Training "agents of change" in organizations and government agencies to inspire them to lead data-based work processes. The course includes practical tools for working with data within various roles in the organization and was developed based on a close familiarity with the difficulties faced in the public and social sectors. Alongside this flagship course, the SFI Group also offers a comprehensive array of in-depth training and introductory workshops on data-based management tools for individuals and teams.
Representatives from over 60 nonprofits and civil society organizations and over 30 local authorities have been trained to become change agents for data-based work in their organizations. 86% of graduates from the second course testify that significant progress has been made in capabilities and/or work policies in the organization a year after completing the training.
Nonprofits and Authorities Have Undergone Training
Migdal Insurance, the Russell Berrie Foundation
Data Solutions for Social Issues
Developing a unique index for evaluating and measuring STEM Programs in Israel
Non-profits with a valid seal
A National Seal that Assures the Effectiveness of Nonprofits