The SFI Group is a public benefit company that brings a fresh approach to addressing social challenges in Israel.

The group is an amalgamation of three leading Israeli social organizations – Social Finance Israel, the Nova Project, and Midot and is part of a global network of Social Finance organizations with entities in the UK, the US, and the Netherlands. 

The SFI Group develops and implements innovative social change models including outcomes-based blended finance models (social and career impact bonds), impact measurement, and data-based impact capacity building. The work of the Group is grounded in data and measurement, allowing it to quantify its effect on Israeli society and ensure measurable and sustainable impact. At the SFI Group, we believe in data-based management and capacity building and work with NGOs, foundations, and public sector entities on the implementation of this approach that allows them to track their activity in near-real time and adjust their work to ensure maximum impact and social change. 

Founded by Sir. Ronald Cohen in 2013, The Group is known for its work with blended finance – philanthropy, investment, public funding, and more to solve social challenges across the public, social, and private sectors.

לוגו מידות

Midot from the SFI group is a public benefit company and non-profit organization that promotes effectiveness in social action through the development of advanced measurement tools, quality indicators (such as the Midot Seal for Effectiveness), social mappings, applied research, consulting, conferences, and trainings. Midot's vision is to instill and lead managerial excellence in civil society organizations so that they operate professionally and effectively, while consistently and accurately measuring their impact, to benefit the environment and address social challenges. To help the social sector meet these goals, Midot has developed the Midot Seal for Effectiveness, which serves as a nationally-recognized benchmark for donors and nonprofits who seek to work transparently and effectively.

לוגו נובה

Nova from the SFI group was established in order to guide decision-makers on how to best utilize the benefits of data in planning, ongoing management, and measurement processes to address social challenges in Israel in the fields of education, health, welfare, and employment. Nova's professional team accompanies social projects in planning data strategy, defining service goals, developing measurement methods, designing technological infrastructure, and defining a work routine to monitor service success. The group trains managers and teams in management skills and leading data-based change processes. Nova works with government ministries, localities, philanthropic foundations, and business partners to lower systemic barriers to data use, make statistical and administrative data accessible to social programs, develop data tools tailored to fieldwork, and allocate resources effectively.

A Decade of Impact

Swords of Iron War

The SFI Group helps rehabilitate Israeli society


Launching the ‘MaabaData’ initiative to help NGOs implement data-based thinking and tools

Establishment of the DaA.IL Community

Establishment of the DaA.IL Community as a joint initiative of Nova-SFI with the Ministry of Economy, the Israel National Digital Agency, and the Israel Innovation Authority
ידיים מציירות

First completed investment

First completed investment and return for the Social Impact Bond to reduce loneliness among the elderly

Expansion of the operational model

Expansion of the operational model of the "Midot Seal for Effectiveness" and reaching a record number of 150 annual processes

Merger with the Nova Project

Merger with the Nova Project and expansion of activity in the field of data-based management
עמוד עיתון

Launch Bond

Launch of the first Career Impact Bond and the first Social Impact Bond with municipalities


Introduction of the "In Good Company" initiative for impact training

New projects with the European Union

Assisting local authorities

Assisting local authorities in creating a senior citizen dashboard during COVID-19

Completion of the first class of the ‘Data-management for NGOs’ course

Merger with Midot and launch of SFI’s consulting services

Conducting an economic estimate for the Ministry of Finance

Conducting an economic estimate for the Ministry of Finance to assess lockdown costs in cases of different welfare populations


Winning a government ministry consulting tender for the first time: The Neighborhood Rehabilitation project

Guiding the Prime Minister's Office

Guiding the Prime Minister's Office in the process of creating a new measurement standard for social procurement

Setup of Keren HaYesod’s Impact Fund

STEM Project

Development of national STEM mapping and index and a bank of measurement tools

Introducing data-based management work for the social sector

עמוד עיתון

Launching the first Social Impact Bond in collaboration with the Israeli government

Inaugural training program for NGOs

launching advisory and economic consulting work

עמוד עיתון

Launching the first Social Impact Bond in Israel

Social Finance Israel established


Board of Directors

סר רונלד כהן

Sir Ronald Cohen

President The Global Steering Group for Impact Investment (GSG)

Sir Ronald Cohen
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Aya Shahar

Entrepreneur & Impact Investor

Aya Shahar
בעז רעם

Boaz Raam

Social Entrepreneur & Investor

Boaz Raam
דוד ברוך

David Baruch

Yessodot Fund

David Baruch
דורון לבנת

Doron Livnat

Co-founder, MAOZ

Doron Livnat
גליה מאור

Galia Maor

Former CEO, Bank Leumi

Galia Maor
קרן קרפ

Keren Karp

Glazer Philanthropies

Keren Karp
אושיק פרל גיל

Oshik Feller Gil

Chair, Nova

Oshik Feller Gil
שרה גרינברג

Sarah Greenberg

Seed the Dream Foundation Board Observer

Sarah Greenberg

The SFI Team

אחינועם זיגל

Achinoam Zigel

Senior Director, Economics & Finance

Achinoam Zigel
עמית גרנות

Amit Granot


Amit Granot
ארבל קירפיצניקוב

Arbel Kirpichnikove

Career Impact Bond Developer

Arbel Kirpichnikove

Dafna Goldberg Anaby

Research & Measurement Associate

Dafna Goldberg Anaby
דפנה קידר

Dafna Kedar

Project Lead, Impact & Innovation

Dafna Kedar
אפרת אבן טוב

Efrat Eventov

Head of NGO Relations

Efrat Eventov
איתן אחימן

Eitan Ahiman


Eitan Ahiman
הילה שוורץ

Hila Schwartz

Project Manager

Hila Schwartz
הילית שגיא

Hilit Sagie

Investor Relations, Philanthropy, and Marketing Manager

Hilit Sagie
אילאיל דוידוב

Ilil Davidov

VP Pay for Success and Investments

Ilil Davidov
אירית באר

Irit Behr

Office Manager

Irit Behr
קרן מורג

Keren Morag

Performance Manager

Keren Morag
ליאת בויקו

Liat Boyko Ovadia

Performance Manager

Liat Boyko Ovadia
ליבת אפולט

Libat Apolet

Tech Lead and Facilitator

Libat Apolet
לימור ספטרובסקי

Limor Spektorovsky Cohavi

Head of Data in Social Services

Limor Spektorovsky Cohavi

Lior Zivan

VP Impact & Innovation

Lior Zivan
מאור שי

Maor Shay

Outcome-Oriented Project Development Lead

Maor Shay
מאיה רמז

Maya Remez

Project Manager

Maya Remez
מיכל קבצניק

Michal Kabatznik

VP Business Development & Investor Relations

Michal Kabatznik
מורן לביא

Moran Lavi Levi

Director of Data

Moran Lavi Levi
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Noa Eshet

Project Manager

Noa Eshet
נועה חשדי

Noa Hashdi

Training Developer

Noa Hashdi

Noa Zeitune

Operations Manager

Noa Zeitune

Ofir Gavrieli Assaraf

Project Lead, Finance

Ofir Gavrieli Assaraf
אורלי רוייך

Orly Rauch

Head of Research, Measurement, and Evaluation for the STEM program

Orly Rauch
רונה פרי

Rona Perry

Director, DatA.IL Community

Rona Perry
רוני בירמן

Rony Halevy Birman

VP Data and Measurment

Rony Halevy Birman
רועי וילנסקי

Roy Vilenski

Performance Manager

Roy Vilenski
שלומי הר לב

Shlomi Har Lev

CEO Midot

Shlomi Har Lev
שלומית פסח גלבוע

Shlomit Pessah-Gilboa

Director of Civil Society Sector

Shlomit Pessah-Gilboa
סתיו פילץ

Stav Bili Piltz

Social Analyst

Stav Bili Piltz
סבטה רובן

Sveta Ruban

Head of Measurement and Evaluation

Sveta Ruban
טל אביגדור

Tal Bella Avigdor

Director of Finance

Tal Bella Avigdor
טליה ואיש

Talya Vaish

Ecosystem and Business Development Manager, DatA.IL

Talya Vaish
תו איתן

Tav Eitan


Tav Eitan
ויקטוריה אשכנזי

Vicky Ashkenazy


Vicky Ashkenazy
ולדי יופה

Vladi Yoffe

Performance Manager

Vladi Yoffe
ירון נוידרפר

Yaron Neudorfer


Yaron Neudorfer
יפעת זר סט

Yifat Zar Sat

Head of Administration

Yifat Zar Sat

סינון לפי


סינון פרויקטים -תחום


סינון פרויקטים – שירות